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Friday, April 12, 2019

PALM SUNDAY (14th April 2019)

 1st Reading – Is. 50:4-7
Psalm – 21:8-9,17-18a, 19-20,23,24.
2nd Reading – Phil. 2: 6-11
Gospel – Lk 22:14-23,56 (or 23:1-49)

“They brought the donkey and colt, placed their cloaks on them, and Jesus sat on them.  A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.  The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is he who come in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest”
On our Lenten pilgrimage we are at the final Sunday, known as the Palm Sunday and also Passion Sunday.  Holy Week begins with the Palm or Passion Sunday. Palm branches are widely recognized as symbol of peace and victory. On this Sunday liturgy palm is blessed at the beginning of the Holy Mass and the faithful holding the blessed palm take the presiding priest celebrant in procession singing hymns recalling the solemn entry of Jesus in Jerusalem riding on a donkey before his passion and death on the cross. The use of a donkey instead of a horse is highly symbolic, it represents the humble arrival of some in peace. According to the Jewish tradition during the feast of the “Pass Over,” nearly 25,000 lambs were sacrificed but the lamb which was sacrificed by the High Priest was taken to the Temple in a procession four days before the main feast day.  Symbolically it signified that on Palm Sunday, Jesus, the true Paschal Lamb, was also taken to the Temple in a large procession.
This Sunday serves as a preparation of our hearts for the agony of the passion and the joy of the resurrection of Jesus.  Listening to the Gospel reading of today taken from the Gospel of Luke there come across different people who shared their part in causing Jesus to suffer.  Peter denied Jesus even though he made a solemn promise to Jesus that he wouldn’t do that, Judas betrayed Jesus, Pilate acted against his conscience and condemned Jesus, Herod ridiculed Jesus, and the leaders of the people preserved their position by getting rid of Jesus. Failure to understand Jesus, love for money, pride, fear, jealousy etc., were the reasons that led Jesus to the cross.  When I point my fingers to the above said people let us ask ourselves in what way I share my part causing to suffering of Jesus?  We all have a share in the passion and death of Jesus by our sins. It is not enough today to sing and satisfied holding the palm on the hand like the crowd of Jerusalem, rather, let us know that the merciful and loving Lord wants us to repent and return to him so that we can participate in the joy of His resurrection.                                                            

By - Rev. Fr. Maria Arul CMF


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