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Monday, April 22, 2019

EASTER SUNDAY – 21 APRIL 2019-04-16

Easter also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday is the solemn commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead which occurred according to the Gospel writers on the third day after his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary. It is the culmination of the Passion of Jesus, preceded by forty days of Lent.
The resurrection of Jesus is not a fabricated fiction rather a historical reality. Risen Jesus was seen, heard, touched and experienced by both men and women. He appeared to his disciples and greeted them; “Greetings” (Mt 28:9); “Peace be with you” (Jn 20:19). This greeting was very much needed for they were completely frightened.  Meeting the risen Jesus brought different feelings and blessings to different persons. To the disciples going to Emmaus who were discouraged and disillusioned it was a “Hearts burning experience” (Lk 24:32). Risen Christ invited his disciples to touch his body, and ate food in their presence (Luke 24:39).  He opened their eyes, and they “recognized him” and he opened their minds to understand the scriptures (Lk 24:45). 
The risen Lord also commissioned to those whom he appeared to be the witnesses of his resurrection. Thus, he said to Mary Magdalene: “Go to my brothers and say to them” (Jn 20:17) and to his disciples he said: “Go to the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation” (Mk 16:15)
Mary Magdalene bore witness to the risen Lord saying: “I have seen the Lord” (Jn 20:18).The Emmaus disciples testified saying: “The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon” (Lk 24:34). Bearing witness to the risen Lord was a hard mission but the experience of the risen Lord made profound impact in the lives of the disciples they courageously bore witness amidst of several life threatening obstacles from the men in power not wanting to acknowledge their share in condemning and crucifying him. John and Peter spoke boldly witnessing the resurrection of Jesus ignoring the order of the Council saying: “We cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).
Paul personally encountered the risen Christ on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-9).  This encounter of the Lord totally transformed the life of Paul and became a new creation in Jesus.  He preached the resurrection of Jesus forcefully and courageously amidst several adverse and dangerous situations. He preferred to face sufferings rather than remaining silent about his experience of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. He preached that the resurrection of Jesus is fundamental to our faith. Writing to the Church in Corinth Paul says: “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith also is in vain“ (I Cor. 15: 14). This is a point that today we need to hear desperately. If Christ was not raised from the dead, the Christian faith is based on a lie. If Christ was not raised from the dead, all our liturgical celebrations, the preaching and missionary service through the centuries has been for nothing and they are only rituals and activities of a social club. If Christ was not raised from the dead, we have no hope of life beyond the grave.

The risen Lord today greets each and every one of us with the gift of “peace’.  He is ready to open our hearts, eyes and minds to have his experience and thus to believe in him that our lives shall be transformed thus become a people of new and hope filled life freed from our hopelessness, fears, discouragements, and disillusions. Blessings of the Risen Lord be with you all!

By - Rev. Fr. Maria Arul CMF


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