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Sunday, March 3, 2019



The fundamental moral principles always call for a conscious understanding and conceptualization of what is basically universal to all: “Human Rights and Dignity of All.” This seems to have lost some aspects of its definition and its purpose by the very fact of how unconsciously people understand or respond towards the promotion of that common good.

For centuries and since time immemorial, there has been a great search and a great call for promotion of the vitality of each and every human being. This is akin to our very nature and our nature of existence which is ever provoking a continuous appeal to the preservation of “life” simply because life is such an ever affected “good,” with a lot of troubles; expressed through conscious and unconscious attacks. The perish-ability of it and the singleness of it does not allow its multiplication and this leads to the understanding of the individuality of life.

When we talk about the individuality of life, we simply set a premise that life is one of its kind, one of its applicability to an individual and one as a reference and source from the Supreme Being: God. There should be no search for a superior form of life than what we possess because “Everybody is entitled to one” in as much as they are to be called “finite beings” and their being has a sole end: to reach that perfection of love that would promote each in “act” towards that “supreme ruler” whose being is infinite and yet ours is a participation.

Having a mindful existence of a single living on earth, there ought to be a desire to promote that which belongs to us yet it is not ours. We did merit it out of the love of the creator yet, we promote it out of the love we have for the creator. The preservation of it is one way towards a responsive answer-which is positive as far as the creator-creative love is concerned. Yet a destruction or a reckless-selfish and carefree attitude towards it is a limitation of our love to the unlimited love of the creator.

All this is in one way or another a way of drawing ourselves away from that primordial will which wills each and everything. This does not seem to suggest that the will can be shattered at the creature’s failure to conceptualize the needful positive response but, a way of turning away and seeking an inferior will contaminated with vices and a lack of conscious look into the “Supreme Will” as a will that draws and maintains existence towards their ultimate goal and attainment of the fullness of that will where purification and sanctification of will is done in objective sense.

And so, the purification and sanctification of the will necessarily and predominantly leads to a conscious fostering of the “wholeness and fullness of life”. This is all based on the love which is unconditional and everlasting. Out of the selfless out pouring of love, much is given and much is perceived to be a way of enhancing a totality of being and de-alienation of vice. In doing so, that which looks as self-seeking are deducted and reduced into a rendering of a service aimed at satisfaction of the one is expected to.

Selfishness, however on the other side, does not facilitate the objectivity of the intended wholeness. It will ever look for possibility of de-alienating and pessimism entailed in all that is meant to render goodness. It will ever create the possibility towards repulsive forces that in any case while dealing with the “good” negative is achieved instead. This proves the inner force of evil, the emotional appeal and application towards situational moments in which by their very nature a prudent approach is required as a means of acquiring proper results towards sustenance a greater good and a maintenance of an existing good.

Therefore, since life cannot be recycled, it is our mind which appeals to our nature and creates imperatives within our minds of a need to not only be conscious of the preciousness of life but also a willful need to promote and it just even without appealing to the universal declaration of Human Rights document. And this is simple to understand just in a way of “relation.” In this way of relation, there is ever a conscious and continuous desire to ever attain what is desirable and a positive force which is ever against what we do not desire in life. So, it is with the promotion of life.

 These factors considered as necessary, “The Why Always Human Rights!” would not develop ever in various scenes that is in political realm. Theological realm, social realm, Psychological realm to mention but a few. Before we seek assistance from such disciplines for a clear resolute, the mind and our beings have already given us clear explanations to the Human Rights. This is seen in our very initial attempt to act in any way, the mind is that very first voice or conscience that speaks to you about the goodness of a given act and the badness of failing in a good way. However, still on the other side, the mind is ever commanding you not to act such a bad way and still highlights to you on the resultant effects out of acting the way it is not deemed to bring goodness.

So, in all the acting and no-acting, according to the desirability and the willfulness that stems from “or inside and hence act according to our outside”, there is a great deal of pressure we insert on the goodness as we give an applause to the evil that lies in await for our submission towards it. And at the end, all this leads us to ignore what is most fundamental in form of good and choose what may seem to bring lesser goodness as the mind may interpret and at the end, there will be a strict alienation of both our fundamental moral obligation and violate the fundamental Human Rights.

Human rights, therefore, are inherent and this seems not to be sophisticated to understand and are universal. Their violation is not an excuse just like one can be excused for breaking a glass, the very existence and very desire to promote our rights simultaneously calls for the promotion of the rights of the other. This is our nature and it is incontestable and inseparable from the mind and our conscious; so we cannot claim ignorance of one right or the other, we are the very reference points when it comes to matters of promotion and protection of the rights of the other.  
     Compiled by,                                                                           
     Bro. Derrick Samuel, CMF (


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