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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Fact and the Mode of Institution of the Seven Sacraments by Jesus Christ

“The seven sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ”. Church did not institute the Sacraments. And “Jesus Christ is the Sacrament of God”, Church is the Sacrament of Jesus Christ”. So seven Sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ.

The Reformers of the 16th century, Luther, Calvin, and Zwingly negated saying that all the Sacraments were not instituted by Jesus Christ. They argued that Jesus Christ established only three of the seven sacraments, namely Baptism, Eucharist and penitence. Later they said that only two sacraments could truly be considered by Jesus Christ. According to the Reformers Jesus Christ did not expressly established the rite or He did not explicitly promise the Sacramental grace to be conferred or both of the above. The fact of the institution of the Sacraments Martin Luther claimed that seven Sacraments do not have the scriptural warrant.

In Syncretistic Hypothesis the Rationalists at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries brought about the theory of “syncretism”. Certain things borrowed from Eastern rites. Some similarities in words adopted in Christianity. They accepted that: (I) Christianity depends more on the Judaic institution rather than on pagan ones. (II) The pagan mysteries are based on myths whereas the sacraments are based on history. (III) For pagan, purification is external but for the Christians it is internal.

St. Thomas Aquinas says Sacraments are encounters with Jesus Christ in which He reveals, offers and communicates His divine life to men. In certain sacraments, we do not have explicitly, we have implicitly. Therefore, with regards to the institution of sacraments we must consider not only what Jesus Christ said, but also everything that happened in and around him, what He did, what He spoke and what He ordered the Apostles to do. Further St. Thomas Aquinas says that Jesus Christ instituted the church. Now the pillars of the church are the sacraments. As Jesus Christ instituted the Church, the Sacraments are also instituted by Jesus Christ.

Institution of sacraments are older than scriptures. Because scriptures were written after the death of Jesus Christ, but sacraments were practice during the time of Jesus, and carried out by the Apostles. Apostles knew that the seven sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ. As the followers of Jesus Christ they believed and propagated the sacraments and thus now they are existing in the Church. So no one cannot deny the fact the Sacramental were instituted by Jesus Christ. Therefore, there has been indeed considerable difference of language about the manner in which Jesus Christ instituted the Sacraments but about fact of institution by. Jesus Christ there has been no doubt in the teachings of the Catholic Church.



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