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Friday, October 12, 2018

Reflection - 28th Sunday in Ordinary time

Today’s readings are inviting us to reflect on Detachment from worldly inheritances. We are so much attached to the worldly wealth. First reading tells us to obtain the wealth of wisdom instead of the wealth of this world. The 2nd reading tells us that the Word of God is alive and active, even sharper than a two- edged sword. 

In the Gospel passage, we see the words which came from Jesus’ mouth pierces the heart of the Young man who wants to inherit the eternal life. He says to Jesus, “Good master, what must I do to have eternal life?” Jesus replies that no one is good but God alone. For human beings it is impossible but not for God. God alone is perfect and he is infinite and eternal and he is the highest Good and we the human beings are sharing his Goodness. So Jesus tell us that his father alone can be called as Good. The young man might have thought that by following the Commandments alone he can inherit eternal life, but it is not right. Jesus invites the young man to detach from all what he owned. The sad part of the story is that the young man could not.  The words came from Jesus’ mouth disappointed him.

The same invitation given to all of us today.  All of us are too eager to possess the eternal life.  But we are also blocked into some worldly wealth. We hardly want to share our wealth with poor. We prefer to hold onto our possessions. My dear friends, if we want to inherit the eternal life, leave all the wealth which could get decayed within one day, but inherit the wealth of wisdom which can lead us to eternal life. When we leave all these for the sake of Kingdom of God, we will receive them in hundred times in the presence of God.

By - Ithayaraj


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