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Friday, May 12, 2017

My Easter Ministry Experience

“The Lord is Risen Alleluia, May our Risen lord bless you all and be with you always”

 The every ministerial experience makes the man to grow towards the perfection and it molds the human beings to balance every aspect of life. Human life is a gift of God, which integrates all the fields of life to get maturity, through the valuable and unforgettable memories and experiences, received from the variety of programs. Actually, I value the experience that I received from the Easter ministry places and peoples, like Hultsdrof Colombo-12 and Kattunayaka parishes. The season of grace comes to the end, but these last days of Lent and Holy Week helped me a lot to grow in my spiritual and human life.

                As we know, Claretians are known as Missionaries, going to the different places, having the purpose of proclaiming the Word of God and making present the Claretians where they are, in the style of St. Anthony Mary Claret. I was very glad hearing about my assignment for Easter ministry, which has begun with the Palm Sunday in the “Hultsdrof” parish, situated in Colombo City. It has around 350 families. This is one our (CMF) parishes. This was a sacred time and joyful moment being with our beloved Claretian Priests Rev Frs. Joy Mariaratnam cmf & Ravikanth cmf who were exemplary for me to get inspirations to grow in my missionary vocation.

                 The place was very much familiar, but parishners were not acquainting to me ahead of time, so it was a kind of block to move with them. As the time went on, I was able to mingle with them and experience their fraternal love and concern. Since there were both Sinhala & Tamil communities, it was a facilitating mean to adopt their culture, and new atmosphere, learning and communicating new languages.

                This made me to initiate the dialogue with the people and to maintain a healthy relationship, without any discriminations and partialities with everybody. I also had an opportunity for house visiting which made me to experience God’s Presence everywhere. I never thought of getting this kind of opportunity in this place, but I felt that it was grace filled moment in my religious life. With the effective assistance of some parishners I could meet different minds and hearts of people whose Christian life style touched my heart to be firm in God gifted vocation and their open sharing aided me to deepen my Christian faith in God that strengthen my spiritual life too. Visiting different and many houses paved the way to equip and join new skills for my present and future pastoral life. I really appreciate all the parishners for their witnessing Christian life and sufficient involvement in the parish activities.

                Spiritual activities of the Holy Week, such as Holy Week Tridum services and Way of the Cross assisted me personally to encounter the suffering and passion of Jesus Christ. Though I was assigned to Hultsdrof Parish I was able to extend my availability to another parish called Katunayaka, when there was a humble request from the parish priest. Therefore the parish priest of Hultsdrof parish understood the need of the Katunayaka parish and paved the way for assisting to that parish. So he sent me there to help him. In this parish, my main help was distributing the Holy Communion to the people. For me, it was the first time experience of distributing Holy Communion to such a massive crowd. Actually, this way of assisting made me to feel and understand the sense of being ready for all the moments and to be available to respond generously to the needs of God’s people.

                About all, I am gratefully happy because I have been in both parishes and learning many good and necessary things for my personal growth and am grateful the parish priests Frs. Joy Mariratnam cmf and Deshan, in the same time, I thank the parishners for their supports, hospitality and accepting me in their parishes. My mind and heart glorify the Lord for all these pleasant and valuable experiences. The Risen Christ continue guiding our Church!



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