This December
08/2016 has been an especial day for our Claret Nivas community and for all
Claretian Community in Sri Lanka and the whole world as well, because we have
celebrated the temporary deaconate ordination of our brother Tharaka Dinidu Perera,
Muchas Felicidades!!!
everybody knows that the deaconate ministry belongs to the very origin of
Christian communities, where they have been appointed men and women to SERVE
the poor, this is the particular connotation of this ministry: social service.
Today let us say to promote social and ecological justice; however, this original
calling was distorted in the history of the church since third century towards
making it more liturgical and bishops collaborators, moreover abolishing
women’s participation in this worthy ministry.
All members
of our community, parents and relatives of brother Tharaka, we enjoy this Good
News. In the same day we celebrated the birthday of our brothers Pretheep and
Kirishanth; the Lector ministry of our brothers Johnson cmf, Suthashan cmf and Annroy cmf;
the Acolyte ministry of brothers Christy cmf and Iresh cmf; the fifty years of priestly
ordination anniversary of Rt. Rev. Dr. Vianney Fernando, Bishop of Kandy diocese, who was
happily celebrating and sharing his experience to all of us.
And as entire church,
every year we celebrate the feast of Immaculate Conception of Mary. So this
multiple celebration was a wonderful thanks given to God’s calling to the life
and specific vocation as missionaries.
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