DAY 15. 10. 2016
Claret was called and consecrated by the Holy Spirit to follow Christ closely
and to preach his gospel. He dedicated himself for the mission of God and did
everything for His greater glory. In his evangelizing mission he discovered the
need to live evangelically, imitating the life of the Lord and being dedicated
to proclaiming the gospel. We entrust and place ourselves to our founder who is
our model to follow Christ and ask necessary graces to dedicate ourselves to
become the missionary disciple and to announce the good news to all.
me a Servant
God, pour out your Spirit upon us which you granted to St. Antony Mary and
calling him to follow Christ in the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the
Immaculate heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that we may enrich the life of
the Church and make your mission in the world of today. We ask this through
Christ our Lord. Amen
Autobiography of St. Antony Mary Claret nos.
221-222, 356
LK 9:22-25
The conditions of
discipleship are set. No one will ever change them, neither the Pope nor the
people of God. These conditions come from God himself. God is easily pleased but
not easily satisfied. He demands it all or “go back to where you came from.” No
one can serve two masters, not even the Master. It’s all or nothing.
Christians cannot be
both worldly and Godly. It must be one or the other, and to be with Christ
means to be with the One who won.
Certainly Jesus’ call
to deny one’s self is as counter cultural today as it has ever been. Even trying to deny ourselves the little
things that we enjoy, such as chocolate during Lent, can be a struggle for many
of us!
It is only when we are
truly prepared to stop living life for ourselves, and start living it for Jesus
that we truly find life. That is at the
heart of what I think Jesus is calling us to do here in this passage. His call is to stop living life our way, and
living it his way, following Jesus by imitating his life and obeying his
It is only when we live
for Jesus that we discover life as it is meant to be lived, because ultimately
it is only Jesus who can meet are deepest needs.
Lord, make us fitting ministers of your word
Ø Lord,
grant us the necessary graces we need in order to prepare ourselves to stop
living life for ourselves, and start living it for Jesus. R
Ø Lord,
grant us dispositions we need in order to be able to be sent where we may be
needed. R
Ø Lord,
grant us to entrust ourselves to Mary, and Claret that we may make your name
known to the world and spread the kingdom of the heaven throughout the earth. R
Ø Lord,
helps us to live firmly and constantly united to Christ, according to our Charism,
as it is proposed in our constitution. R
Ø Lord
make us experience the joy of the resurrection In order to go out the entire
world, impelled by the power of the spirit. R
Prayer & Hail Mary
Lord Jesus Christ, you
invite us to deny ourselves, obeying your commands and share your life and your
mission. You give us your body to eat. Grant that we may desire nothing other
than your will and that, by loving you as you love us and as you desire that we
love, we may desire only to live through you and for you that you may be more
than enough for us. You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen
HYMN: Love of Christ impels us
SECOND DAY 16. 10. 2016
It is a great
opportunity that the lord our loving father has given us this day to reflect on
Father Claret, The Listener And The Servant Of The Word Of God. As we the sons
of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary we are blessed to read the autobiography
of our founder Father Claret.
In different places of
the autobiography our Founder says that our special vocation among the people
of God is the ministry of the word though which we communicate the whole
mystery of Christ to humankind. Let us reflect how we allow God to speak within
me, in order to spread the word of God in this present era.
Welcome Holy Spirit………
God our Father and
Mother, as we gather in your name we want to be in your presence, because you
are our love, our honor, our hope and our refuge. Grant us your spirit to
imitate you in the spirit of Fr. Claret and give us the graces to be a listener
and the servant of word of God as our founder Fr. Claret. Lord, as we are in the 2nd day of
novena for the feast of our founder Fr. Claret we ask your help and blessings
to be a true servant of you. We ask these graces through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Autobiography nos: 224,226
Reading: Lk 11:27-28
Based on “happy those who hear the word
of God and keep it”.
GENERAL CHAPTER DOCUMENT: Witnesses And Messengers Of The Joy Of The Gospel
Ø Welcoming
the Word of God, trying to incarnate it in our life and understanding it more
and more.
Ø Like
our Father Founder who meditated God’s Word and listen to the people.
the spirit of service and dedication that we may fulfil the ministry you have
entrusted to us in the Church with dignity and fruitfulness, let us pray to the
Lord. R. Lord
hear us
give you thanks, O Lord, because you have designed to grant us the gift of
proclaiming the Gospel. May that in us not to be fruitless for this grace let
us pray to the Lord. R
III.Motivated by apostolic zeal and the joy of the
Spirit, reinforce us with every means and resource that we may persevere so
that you may be known, loved and served by all for this grace let us pray to
the Lord. R
PRAYER & Hail Mary
Our Father…..
of goodness we thank you for this wonderful time to pray and reflect the life
of Fr. Claret as a listener and the servant of word of God. Lord, grant us the
faith that inflamed Fr. Claret, so that we may be able to embrace with joyful
spirit and sacrifice in order to become the real missionary disciples to spread
your words to the whole world. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ who
lives and reigns forever and ever.
my God and Father……
day 17. 10. 2016
give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree
that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. (Gen 1: 29)
Yesterday we reflected
about “Father- Claret the listener and the servant of the word of God. Today we
are going to reflect about “Father- Claret the listener to the gospel of
nature”. It is clear in the Autobiography number 336 Claret was telling about
his gospel of nature. Let us pray in this novena that we may gain wisdom to
protect our environment and to evangelize the gospel of nature as St.Claret

number: 336
While I was traveling I would strike up a conversation with those who
chanced to join me about the various things we saw. If I happened to see some
flowers, I would point to them and remark that, as these plants produced
beautiful and fragrant flowers, we should produce virtues. The rose, for
example, teaches us love, the lily symbolizes purity, the violet, humility,
etc. We must, as the Apostle says, be "the good odor of Christ in every
place.''If I saw a tree laden with fruit, I would remark that we, too, should
bear the fruit of good works, so not to end up like the two fig trees in the
Gospel.If we passed by a river, I would say that the running water reminds us
that we are passing on toward eternity. If we heard birds singing or music
being played, I would refer to the new and everlasting song of heaven, etc. I
have personally witnessed the great value of conversations like these; their
effect was like that of the conversation Christ held with the two travelers on
the road to Emmaus.I also found that they had thefurther advantage of avoiding
useless talk and grumbling.
or (65:9-13 or 19:1-12)
response: You who answer prayer, to you all people will come
He set the earth on its foundations;
it can never be moved. You covered it with the watery depths as with a garment;
the waters stood above the mountains. But at your rebuke the waters fled, at
the sound of your thunder they took to flight; they flowed over the mountains,
they went down into the valleys, to the place you assigned for them. R.
You set a boundary they cannot
cross; never again will they cover the earth. He makes springs pour water into
the ravines; it flows between the mountains. They give water to all the beasts
of the field; the wild donkeys quench their thirst. R.
The birds of the sky nest by the
waters; they sing among the branches. He waters the mountains from his upper
chambers; the land is satisfied by the fruit of his work. R.
He makes grass grow for the cattle,
and plants for people to cultivate— bringing forth food from the earth: wine
that gladdens human hearts, oil to make their faces shine, and bread that
sustains their hearts. R.
The trees of the LORD are well
watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.
There the birds make their nests;
the stork has its home in the junipers. R.
The high mountains belong to the
wild goats; the crags are a refuge for the hyrax.
He made the moon to mark the
seasons, and the sun knows when to go down. R.
You bring darkness, it becomes
night, and all the beasts of the forest prowl.
The lions roar for their prey and
seek their food from God. R.
The sun rises, and they steal away;
they return and lie down in their dens.
Then people go out to their work, to
their labor until evening. R.
How many are your works, LORD! In
wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the
sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number— living things
both large and small. R.
12:07-10 or (37:14-16)
now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they
will tell you; 8 Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you;
And the fish of the sea will explain to you.9 Who among all
these does not know That the hand of the Lord
has done this, 10 In whose hand is the life of every
living thing, And the breath of all mankind
The first place to begin in seeking to recover care for creation
considerations of the biblical materials is in an understanding of the
cosmology of each of the writings. Cosmology is actually the most neglected
aspect of biblical studies. We tend to focus almost exclusively on human
history, on the human story of redemption, and on the human outcomes projected
by the biblical materials—leaving us with a picture of people virtually without
an Earth. Instead, we need to become aware of the entire created order
portrayed in a Gospel of Luke if we are to understand it and if we are to see
its full implications for our commitment to care for creation.

open ourselves to the love of God for all creation. In this, we celebrate in
our lives and communities the compassion and love of God for all creation. We
celebrate the commitment of Jesus to seek and to save the most vulnerable. We
celebrate the Spirit that seeks to unite all Earth community in a mutual
sustaining of life. Through such celebration, we are lifted into the orbit of
God’s love for creation, we are given inspiration to change, and we are fed
with nourishment to act. We seek to live in the flow of God’s compassion for
Earth community.
We become aware of the most vulnerable in all creation, human-kind
and other-kind alike. We would find eyes to see them, minds to learn about them,
hearts to care about them, and actions to empower them. We learn the names and
identities of endangered species. We pray for them. We learn the ecosystem in
distress and the ways in which the degraded systems are impacting life. We
understand the threats to the entire global community of life because of
pollution of air, water, and soil.

Our founder is a listener to the nature,
he is telling us to make use of the nature for our evangelization, and we must
be example for others towards the care of nature. Our founder is also telling
that we should make use of our conversation using all the creation of God. In
his point thatthe nature is the great value. Let us reflect as Claretian what
is the responsibility we have towards nature?

Our response is: God, you who love all life, hear us!
1. That
the Churches and ecclesial communities may respond to the signs of the times
expressed in the cry of nature, wounded by humankind’s inability to recognize
its vocation to be the custodian of all that exists, let us pray. R
That international
organizations may speak out strongly against the exploitation of the resources
so generously offered by Mother Earth, and for those many brothers and sisters
who live in need due to waste and abuse on the part of individuals and nations,
let us pray. R

3. That
those involved in political life, and every citizen as well, may grow in the
awareness that any behavior that does not respect the environment damages human
coexistence and undermines the foundations of peace, let us pray. R
4. That
those who believe in God may promote in their own religious traditions a
spirituality and praxis that is consistent with a recognition of the goodness
of creation, thus contributing to the growth of a world of love, justice and
peace where all living things praise the Creator, we pray. R
5. That
young people may be inspired by the example of Saint Claret to make mature
lifestyle choices that are selfless and sustainable, promote the care and
safeguarding of ecosystems, guarantee access to all basic resources, and
encourage practices that respect the fundamental rights of the human person and
of every creature, let us pray. R
Lord, grant us the
wisdom to care for our mother earth and all your creation. Help us to act now
for the good of future generations and all your creatures. Like our founder St.
Anthony Mary Claret, Help us to become instruments of a new creation founded on
the covenant of your love.
day 18. 10. 2016
we reflect the theme “Claret, the dreamer and the builder of peace and
reconciliation”. Father Claret is a dreamer at the same time he also worked
hard day and night ardently as a missionary to achieve that dream. He says “the
idea of an eternity of torment made such a deep impression on me work in the
past , still makes me work and will make work as long as I live in converting
sinners in preaching , in hearing confession, in writing books and in hearing family
conversion”. Our founder is not a night
dreamer but he is a dreamer of reality. Father Claret did not sleep well even
to have enough dream, because the dream of sending everybody to eternity not
allowed him to sleep well and commit himself fully for the mission.
this time when there is full of tension as a result of war and violence in the
world, we missionaries called to become builders of peace and reconciliation.
“In the last decades humanity had shown a deep longing for unity. Violence
affects and punishes many people of the earth, millions of people live under
harassment and in fear they feel force to leave their homes and see their most
fundamental rights threatened.”(EG 2; 265).
“For this reason, we feel called to conform our lives and mission to a
prophetic dialogue (inter-confessional, inter- religious, political, etc) and
as a sign of compassion. And here we favor what unites, reconciles and brings
peace, tears down walls that separates, supports those who work for peace and
reconciliation no matter what creed they profess or outlook they may have” (cf.
MFL 2b).
O Lord Jesus Christ who
said to Apostles, “Peace I leave you my peace I give to you” lord regard not
our sins but the faith of your church, and deign to give us peace and unity
according your will so that your people may live with happiness and joy. Thus, your life giving word may be fulfilled
in this world. Amen
Lord give us peace and deliver us from all evil.
reading; Jn 20:19-23
In this world of violence and war there are many
people and groups who work for peace through patient and persistent dialogue,
the quest for reconciliation, the building of a harmonious social life and
respect for all..
In this way let’s think as a missionary what is my
responsibility to build peace and reconciliation?
Do I work for the establishment of God’s kingdom and
peace in this world?
Lord hear us
us pray for unity in the church:
Lord give us the graces to bring unity in your
church, that the divided churches come together and live as brothers and
sisters of Jesus Christ. For we pray to the Lord. R
us pray for peace, in the world:
Lord we pray for peace in the world, give the grace
that real peace which you left in this world may experience by every corner of
the earth. For we pray to the Lord. R
us pray for people who work for peace:
Merciful father we pray for the people who work
tirelessly to establish peace in this world, that they may dedicate themselves
more and more in your mission. Lord bless them and protect them from all evils.
For this we pray to lord. R
us pray for all Claretian missionaries:
Lord we pray for all the Claretian missionaries that
they may understand the call of Christ as his disciple of peace makers. Give us
your grace so that we may become builders of peace and reconciliation. R
Lord Jesus you came to this world to redeem us from
sins and bring a kingdom of heaven on earth where there is full of peace and
reconciliation. Lord give us the same peace which you gave to your disciples
after your resurrection and also make us the channels of your peace. Who lives
and reign forever and ever. Amen
hymn to St.Claret.
DAY 19. 10. 2016
Today we reflect on Fr.
Claret’s clamor for poor and justice. We
are well aware that our Christian life begins with a personal relationship with
Christ. To be a Christian is to know Him personally, it means knowing the
person of Christ the master, the way, truth and life. Intimacy with God begins
with knowing his character, His personality, His values and His teachings. It
develops as we learn to trust Him in all situations and circumstances as our
founder St. Anthony Mary Claret did in his life. From the childhood onwards he had great compassion
to the poor and he is a good example for a person who stood for justice. Though,
there were many oppositions against
Father Claret because of his compassionate love for the poor, he stood firm for
the cause of the slaves in Cuba, who were marginalized and were depressed by
their owners. One thing is very clear in his life is that because of the ardent
love towards Jesus and father’s mission he clamored for the poor and against
Lord God, you have
called us to be witnesses and messengers of your Love. You sent your only son
for the redemption of the whole world. May we remember that in our lives and
become true ministers like our founder, to love the whole humanity with the
compassionate heart, and to bring justice to all, who are unjustly burdened. We
ask this prayer through Christ our Lord Amen.
of our Founder No: 562
Reading: Matthew 5: 1-12
for Reflection
v We
all are called to promote justice for those who are suffering at the peripheries,
just like our founder voiced against the slavery.
v How
are we doing justice to our call as true Claretian missionaries in living the
spirit of our Founder in our own communities as true missionary disciples?
v Our
founder Father Claret was very compassionate towards the poor even from his
childhood, how do we express our love towards the poor and help them to come up
in their lives?
v Our
Father Founder Claret, being a confessor to the queen, he strictly renounced
the privileges in order to live and experience the spirit and the mind of the
poor. How much are we ready to renounce our privileges to have the spirit of
the poor in our lives?
v How
much are we attentive to attend and solve the problems of those, who are
unjustly treated and become untrodden and marginalized?
v “The
spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the good
news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners”.
How do we become Good news to those who
cry for God’s justice?
We are called to liberate those, who are
caught up in the evils of this modern world.
What could have been the reactions of
Father Claret if he lives today, to which we are expected to fulfill as
Claretian missionaries.
Your Response: Lord, make us heralds of your Gospel
§ Lord
Jesus, you have proclaimed that those who share in your own blessedness are the
poor in spirit the meek, those who hunger and thirst for justice. Make us
witnesses of your love. We pray to you Lord.
§ Lord,
you have called us to bring justice to the poor and untrodden help us to voice
against the evils that suppress the dignity of human lives. We pray to you Lord.
§ Lord
Jesus we bring to you all those racked on the bed pain , those going through
severe depression those with terminal illnesses, those who find life
meaningless due to various misshapes and hearts break in their lives. May each
of them hear your words in their hearts today “My grace is sufficient for you”-
may this experience comforts and challenges them to begin life anew. We pray to
you Lord. R
§ We
bring to you Jesus all your consecrated priests and religious who are called to
minister your people. Increase their faith and give them your grace that they
may bring your love to this broken world. We pray to you Lord. R
§ That
each one of us present here may be like you, offering to all the members of our
families and to everyone we need the protection of your love. We pray to you Lord. R
Prayer and Hail Mary…
Lord God we give you
thanks for your loving plan revealed to us through St.Anthony Mary Claret. In
your love for us you do not wish us to merely exist but be ever radiant with
joy, while standing for justice and the poor. The joy you hold out is the joy
of rising above our circumstances of being at the service of your kingdom and
your plan for the world. Lord do not allow us to be caught up in the problem
and petty comforts of our daily life rather help us always be mindful of the
sufferings of the poor and the justice. We make this prayer through Christ our
Lord Amen.
DAY 20. 10. 2016
Today we reflect on the
theme, “Father Claret: Digital and Technological culture today.” As we stand on
the threshold of a new millennium, let us heed the Lord’s command to us here in
our community, share the Good News in continuous, loving and humble dialogue
with all the people especially using the digital & technological newly
arrivals in the mission of God, with the cultures & religious traditions,
live like Father Claret our founder in the midst of neighbours of other faith,
and do the good deeds by the power of Christ‘s power.
The universal nature of the Gospel and the Church demand a
commitment to global Mission. The first missionaries, and the apostles, and
their successors, were indeed cross-cultural and trans-national missionaries,
for they took seriously the Lord’s commandments to go into the whole world and
preached the Gospel to all nation.
Lord our loving Father,
impart to us the Spirit which you granted to our Father Claret, so that we may
get his missionary zeal and Spirit to be witnessing messengers in this
digitally and technologically advanced world.
Lord, make us to become the missionary disciples of your prophetic
mission. Amen
Autobiography: 456-457
reading: 1Cor 14:1-9
reflection: (points for reflection)
As we reflect
today “St. Anthony Claret – The digital and the technological culture today.”
Let us reflect the way how our founder traveled
from place to place to carrying the mission of God adopting the situation and
culture of the place and the people where ever he went.
In autobiography 456 our founder himself
would say that he did not travel from one town to the other; on the contrary
would go to one town and when he finished the mission there then would go to
another place; this was the situation of our founder’s time. But today, the
situation is different because of the advancement in technology.
At present it is not necessary to go to
a place stay and preach for a long period. But we have the modern communication
gadgets as means of evangelization. So let us reflect do we use them for
re-evangelization. Claret did not live in this kind of situation but during his
time he changed his life according to the situation. Therefore we are given an
invitation to become a modern Claret. So what are the qualities and abilities
we need to cultivate to respond to the requirement of the church and our
congregation? How are we going to use the technology for our evangelization?
Our Founder St. Claret not only preached
the word of God for the sake of preaching but he understood the situation and personally
experienced persecution. In spite of various challenges and difficulties in
carrying out the mission was he courageously stepped forward and went forth. We
too live in a time of great challenges coming from everything and from everywhere.
So, how are preparing ourselves to face these situations and challenges? How
are we going to be witnessing messengers among the people who are digitally and
technologically advanced?
Let us cogitate that how can we going to
imitate Father Claret among this kind of people of technologically
cultured? How are we going to be
cultured technologically to become evangelizer or witnessing messengers at
We have to be cultured technologically
and to be adopted to the modern culture. This is to say not that we too have to
live like the people longing for modern gadgets and luxurious life, rather we
are called for the great mission to become modern Claret in this digitally and
technologically advanced world following Christ and Mary. Therefore let us
reflect over these.
Lord make us fitting ministers of your Word.
Lord, protect the Holy Father and the
shepherds of the Church so that they may be faithful to their mission of giving
us Jesus . Res
Lord grant us the dispositions we need
in order to be able to be sent where we may be needed. Res
Lord, grant us the trust we need in
order to exercise in your name the ministry you may entrust to us through the
congregation. Res
Lord, grant us the grace to entrust ourselves to Mary,
Formatrix of Apostles ,that we may make your name known to the world and spread
the kingdom of heaven through the earth. Res
prayer/Hail Mary:
Lord thank you
for granting the abilities & values to our Founder St. Anthony Mary Claret
to utilize them in your Mission. Lord give the wisdom & knowledge to
increase the faith of all the followers through adopting the modern and
technologically advanced culture in order to evangelize the Word of God and to
be the men on fire filled with your Spirit, who lives & reigns forever and
ever. Amen.
DAY 21. 10. 2016
On this 7th day of the
preparation to celebrate the feast of our Founder, we reflect on the theme
‘Claret a prophet going to the peripheries’. The mission of Claret was not limited with boundaries and
borders but looking for the possible means to do the mission of God by serving
the people, today he would serve to the nature, thus he says my spirit is for
the whole world, that was why Claret felt uneasy when he was appointed as
bishop of Cuba for he did not want to limit his service within a boundary. We
too are called to do the same, first to come out from our comfort zones and to
find the peripheries finally to be available to respond to the needs of the
time with prophetic attitude and action. The periphery is not only
geographically but also existential peripheries; mysteries of sin, mysteries of
pain, mysteries of injustice, indifference of religion and so on, even there is
periphery in our own community and neighbourhood. The challenge is to find the
periphery and how we respond to it and being solidarity with them, this
solidarity is not about what we do but rather how we live. It’s all about
personal and communal witnesses of life.
me a servant…
Opening Prayer
Lord our merciful father as we gather in
your name we all long to be filled with your Spirit. Grant us a spirit of
evangelization, illumine our hearts and mind with the light of your truth and
strengthen our fraternal spirit so that we may always seek your will. Lord
impart on us the Spirit which you granted to our founder St.Antony Mary Claret
so that with this gift of your grace we may enrich the lives of others and make
our mission in the world more fruitful and send us forth to proclaim the Gospel in
new frontiers and peripheries as prophets of joy We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Short reading from the Autobiography of our Founder
Reading (Mt 10:5-15)
instead, to the lost sheep of the people of Israel’- break it to reach the people.
the sick and bring the dead back to life cleanse the lepers, and
drive out demons’-
we are expected to do varieties of missions not the traditional and easy
have you received, freely give’-
our availability in mission.
prophet being as equipped person by humility and love.
prophet being as transparent messenger of God.
what is periphery to me and as a community what is periphery to us?
I ready to identify the periphery in my community and respond to them?
importance of coming-out from our own comfort zones.
I ready to see the reality with the prophetic eyes?
am I responsible to respond to the ecological conversion?
Our response….
Lord teach us to be real
v We may always keep in mind that we are Sons of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary and always
strive by all means possible in our apostolate and communities on fire with
God's love, bringing the God's message and Kingdom. We pray… R
v We may always spread the Gospel whenever and wherever we go,
preaching the Good News with fire of love to the people. We pray... R
v May we always delight in privation, welcome work in our apostolate,
embrace sacrifices in our ministries and smile at slander and sorrows we
experience and offer to the cross of Jesus Christ. We pray... R
v May we always strive to sanctify our own selves and members
by following Jesus Christ the Prophet. We pray... R
v May we follow the Christ the prophet and evangelizer in
praying, working and enduring for a more sanctified and zealous apostolate. We
pray... R
v May we always strive constantly and solely offering our
apostolate for the greater glory of God and dedicating our ministries for the
salvation of humankind. We pray... R
Lord’s Prayer & Hail Mary
Closing Prayer (MS)
your power to all the missionaries to be faithful to their service
to be fruitful in their mission.
of the Word and its disciple,
of listening and of service,
Cenacle of the Church:
turn back, Mother!
the twelve going forth,
all seventy,
we are bewildered,
at the onslaught of God’s windstorm!
our eyes and ears,
from us fear and inertia,
us a heart of flesh and chrism,
us with joy and courage,
Send us, to the
Wind that brings you,
Witnesses of
your Son, Paschal servers and deacons,
universal of the world!
Final Hymn: Jesus passed along your path one morning…
DAY 22. 10. 2016
We are one in the spirit, we are one with the Lord
O my God and Father,
You enkindle the fire of missionary zeal in our founder St. Antony Mary Claret
to live in fidelity and availability to the mission. Grant us the same spirit
in order to love and serve you with complete trust, communion with my brothers
who share the same spirit and to live in witnesses of your love among
humankind. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
“There is one body and
one spirit just as you were called to the one hope of your calling” (Eph 4:4).
As we have come to the eight day of our novena to celebrate the feast of our
Founder we reflect on “Father Claret and
missionary community.”
In our initiation into
the missionary life says that “Claretian Community is not merely a human group.
It is raised by the spirit in the church through St. Antony Mary Claret”. If we see the deep understanding of our
calling it is the spirit of God had which led us to live in unity amid
difference and find the presence of God moving each other. As Father, Son and
Spirit is one and apostolic community is one we too are invited to build one
missionary community. In our constitutions the first chapter speaks of
‘missionary community’. It is to show how primordial for the one who likes to
become Claretian to give priority to the community living. Let us reflect about
community life. How do I see my presence in my community? How the spirit of the
Lord teach me to fraternal charity with each other?
85: 1-9
reading Acts 2: 43-47
Early Christian community had one heart
and mind. Heart is the seat of faith, hope and love.
We are invited to share not only
friendship but some faith hope and love in natural self-giving.
We have to share the same spirit and
feel one with the other.
This oneness is possible through prayer
and Eucharist. The family that prays together stays together.
Our community must be witness of unity
in order to create communion for those who accept the word through faith.
Being a prophet who brings something good
even out of something bad or what is not favoured.
A community who grows in courage and
strength by facing challenges with the bliss of missionary zeal.
Lord we pray that all Claretian missionaries’
communities all over the world they may grow in the spirit of Father. Claret.
. Lead us Lord, to be one in spirit
May the leaders of the congregation likewise general
government, provincials, and all the superiors lead the congregation in their
respective responsibilities towards missionary discipleship. R.
May all the missionaries be joyful even in the
difficult times so that they become true witnesses of Christ. R.
That we, like our founder Father Claret, develop
sincere devotion to the Heart of Mary and become true sons of the immaculate
heart of Mary. R
That we all Claretians, keep the spirit of Father
Claret through our committed life in communion with one another in
communities. R
Lord our God, we have
pondered and reflected and refreshed ourselves on the charism of Father Claret
and his devotion to your Mother. Grant us your grace that we may learn from our
Mother Mary and from our founder the missionary zeal so that our communities
may be creative, innovative, and be joyful. We ask this in your name. Amen.
Lord renew in our congregation
NINTH DAY 23. 10. 2016
joy of the gospel fills the hearts & lives of all who encounter Jesus.
Those who encounter Jesus, those who accept his offer of salvation and set free
from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness, with Christ joy is constantly
born anew” (E. G 1). Our Pope Francis invites us to a renewed personal
encounter with Jesus Christ or at least an openness to letting him encounter
us, “no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord” (E. G 3).
is the “first and the greatest evangelizer” in every activity of
evangelization, the primacy belongs to belongs to God, who has called us to
corporate with him and who leads us on by the power of his Spirit. We have been
graced with the particular spirituality inherited from St. Anthony Claret and
from our rich tradition. As sons of the Heart of Mary we are called to be men
of joy.
we reflect the theme “Claret the witness – messenger of the joy of the gospel.”
Claret’s evangelizing mission was prophetic. He received from the Holy Spirit a
special sensitivity for picking up the signs of the times in the Church and in
the world. The word of God shaped Claret’s personality to conform to that of
Jesus and the apostles in order to make him to a joyful – witnessing
missionary. His assimilation of the word of God is for the purpose of carrying
out Jesus’ command to proclaim the Good News to all peoples throughout the
world. We Claretians have been called to be trust worthy messengers of the
Church’s faith in its Lord and find a model of the centrality of Christ close
to us in the person and teaching of our founder.
evangelizer must never look like someone who has just come back from a funeral,
let us recover and deepen our enthusiasm
that delightful and comforting joy of evangelizing, even when it is in tears
that must sow… (E. G 10).
– We are happy Christians all united …..
of kindness, you deigned to choose us and send us as you sent your son, Jesus.
Grant us your spirit to make us fitting ministers of the gospel, and grant us
the power we need to faithfully exercise our ministry for the salvation of
human kind. As sons of the Heart of Mary, we ask you Father the grace of a deep
cordiality, so necessary to be in our world, witnesses and messengers of the
joy of the gospel. Amen
The Autobiography
– 667 – 668
133: 1- 11 “I will bless the lord all my days; his praise will be ever on my
– Rom 8: 35, 38-39
of us have received the ministry of proclaiming Jesus Christ by means of the
word. For us Claretian missionaries not only is what we proclaim important but
also from where we carry it out. The situation context gives depth and
timeliness to the text, cultural insertion, insertion among our people is not a
choice for us. It is the atmosphere we need in order to be able to
appropriately carry out our mission as witnesses – messengers of the joy of the
gospel. Only through insertion into our peoples and cultures will be learn
their language, share their deepest experiences and find the inspiration of the
spirit that empowers us to serve them the bread of the word.
Some questions for reflection
What is my own understanding of becoming witnesses – messengers of the joy of
the gospel?
Do I feel the real missionary happiness or joy in my vocation?
3. How can I witness Christ in my community?
In which ways I can contribute something to create a joyful community?
Do I feel the missionary spirit in my mission and in my community where I live?
What are the challenges that are preventing me to become a real witness-
messengers of the joy of the gospel?
Lord in order to bring the joy of the gospel to the poor, and to proclaim the
time of grace of mercy. Make all Christian communities and all Christian
families involves themselves with grater diligence in vocation ministry
Res –
You make all things new by the Holy Spirit. Renewing our Claretian family and
in each one of us the Spirit that animated St. Anthony Mary Claret so that we
may seek by all possible means to set the world on fire with your love Res….
Lord we pray for those who serve the church by proclaiming your joy of the
gospel, also here our prayers that our congregation may never lack generous and self –giving
missionaries to spread the faith throughout the world Res…..
you wanted to associate your work redemption with the Virgin Mary you have also
granted to us the gift of following Christ by proclaiming the joy of the
gospel. Grant that we may use every means possible to spread the Good News of
the kingdom throughout the world. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
– Thanks and praise we give you mother …
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